This project is both an covers a lot of my skills set including Illustration, Animation, Collage and Story Telling which are accumulated into a book which works with Augmented Reality. It follows the tale of myself when I was nine years old, dealing with a difficult event that happened within the family.
I have explored the themes of absent memories and how one can visually show how the passage of time can fade a memory. I spent a lot of time delving through childhood photographs in a desperate attempt to fill in the blanks and piece everything together. I truly believe that what happened to me when I was 9 years old defines the person I am now and the things that are missing from my mind holds to key to me understanding the way I am.
The idea of the Liminal Space was key in making this project. The idea that I as an adult am constantly stuck in the space between my childhood and my adulthood. My memories that are no longer there are lost somewhere just out of reach. The cracks and cuts in my collages show that space in between and invite you to look between the lines, to see if you can find my secrets.
If you don't fully understand what is going on in this project, then good. That is how I wanted to make you feel. I want you to feel the same confusion I do and try helplessly to tie up the loose threads of my childhood.
Below are my processes in which I reached the final images for the book, some of the final spreads and some of the videos that accompany my Augmented Reality Experience. I am hoping to release this book to sell in the near future, so watch this space.
I have also kept a specific blog for this project which you can view by following this link.